
Population Size

  • Select all
  • < 500k
  • 500k to 1 million
  • 1 to 5 million
  • > 5 million


  • Select all
  • Asia
  • Latin America
  • Africa
  • Middle East

Commercial Hubs: Have a broad range of manufacturing and service industries, vibrant retail and tourism sectors, numerous corporate headquarters, and strong transport connectivity

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Export Champions: Reflects a city’s manufacturing base, share of global exports, ability to capitalize on supply chain shifts, and access to air cargo and port infrastructure

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Mobility Connectors: Measures a city’s air passenger traffic and connectivity to other cities, strength of its air cargo and port activity, and connections to major road networks

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Climate Resilient: Reflects a city’s preparedness for climate change and worsening extreme weather events, exposure to coastal and river flooding, and water scarcity as a constraint on industry

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