Hong Kong

The urban mobility emissions trajectory is not moving in the right direction, and drastic efforts are needed for the city to achieve the 1.5°C target by 2030.

City dashboard (2022)
Population 7.4 million
Surface area (km2) 2,760
Mobility demand (km) 106 billion
Mobility demand per person per day (km) 39.3
Mobility emissions (CO2e) 8.4 megatons
Emissions per person per day (CO2e) 3.15 kilograms

Urban mobility global warming impact (2030)

Based on cities’ existing action plans
5°C 3°C 1°C
Target 1.5°C


City trajectory
Target 1.5°C

Emissions reductions required to reach the 1.5°C target by 2030



Megatons of Carbon Dioxide Equivalent (MtCO 2e)


Hong Kong has a well-balanced mobility network that offers a variety of options

Hong Kong offers a great mix of mobility services with a balanced modal share between public transit (71%), cars (15%), walking (13%), and other modes. The mobility demand is strong, accounting for 106 billion kilometers (66 billion miles) traveled in 2022, generating 8.4 MtCO2e.

Hong Kong has a well-developed public transit system and cycling infrastructure, and only 15% of the distance traveled in 2022 in Hong Kong was via cars, contributing to just 29% of emissions. But despite an impressive low modal share of cars, Hong Kong remains off track to reaching the 1.5°C target by 2030, largely due to its carbon-intensive power grid composition.

Mobility demand and emissions (2022)


Current situation

The city is not on the right emission reduction trajectory

Based on city plans, mobility demand is expected to grow by 11% by 2030 while CO2 emissions are forecasted to remain steady due to greater electric vehicle adoption.

Electric vehicle market shares will likely increase rapidly because of a government ban on gasoline-powered car sales starting in 2035, as well as increased investments in charging infrastructure.

Hong Kong’s Climate Action Plan 2050, a $240 billion project, aims for net-zero electricity generation by 2050 and zero vehicle emissions before 2050 through electrification, improvement of traffic management through congestion pricing and other methods, and the further development of sustainably fueled transport. Beyond commitments to electrify its fleet, Hong Kong plans to enhance active mobility infrastructure with expanded pedestrian walkways and improved accessibility to facilities.

However, Hong Kong’s commitments to address transport emissions are still roughly 5.0 MtCO2e short of the target, requiring an additional 59% decrease in emissions on top of current government commitments by 2030 to stay within 1.5°C of warming.

Mobility demand (by mode) and emissions trajectory (2022-2030) 

Mobility demand per mode
Total mobility emission


Fulfilling the Paris Agreement commitments by 2030 would require drastic change

We explored four different optimization scenarios:

  • Default: Minimizes mobility behavior changes
  • Electrification: Accelerates the transition from gasoline and diesel vehicles to electric vehicles
  • Multimodal: Encourages the use of shared services and public transit
  • Active Mobility: Promotes walking and cycling as alternative modes of transport

Hong Kong’s excellent public transit infrastructure makes it an effective lever to reduce personal car modal shares. However, because of the carbon-intensive electric grid, the city’s ability to further optimize is limited. Within our optimization paradigm, the only way for Hong Kong to achieve the 1.5°C target by 2030 is by pairing demand reduction with significant modal shifts. Reducing demand is not an easy option and may not be realistic. Without a sharp reduction of power grid emissions, Hong Kong would need to reduce mobility demand by building denser housing or a 15-minute city. To avoid going down that path, the city should consider pursuing a lower carbon grid paired with an electrification of both public and private transport.

  • Default
  • Electrification*
  • Multimodal
  • Active Mobility

* indicates the scenario that achieves the greatest realistic emissions reduction

Modal Shifts Required To Achieve 1.5°C (By Scenario)

When simulating realistic modal shifts, achieving 1.5°C would not be possible. When allowing larger shifts, achieving 1.5°C would require extreme changes: a reduction in total mobility demand of 38% or approximately 15.2 kilometers (9.4 miles) per person per day compared to 2022.

Reduce personal car use:

  • Expand low-emission zones (beyond buses) or implement car-free areas
  • Implement the 15-minute city concept

Decarbonize the power grid:

  • Lower the electricity production footprint to unleash the emission reduction potential of all electric modes (including public transit)

Promote active mobility:

  • Prioritize cycling lanes in urban development projects and improve safety by making helmets mandatory
  • Make the city more walkable by upgrading the infrastructure (low speed zones, pedestrian planning framework, broader sidewalks, etc.)

Modal Shifts Required To Achieve 1.5°C (By Scenario)

When simulating realistic modal shifts, achieving 1.5°C would not be possible. When allowing larger shifts, achieving 1.5°C would require extreme changes: a reduction in total mobility demand of 38% or approximately 15.2 kilometers (9.4 miles) per person per day compared to 2022.

Reduce personal car use:

  • Expand low-emission zones (beyond buses) or implement car-free areas
  • Implement the 15-minute city concept

Decarbonize the power grid:

  • Lower the electricity production footprint to unleash the emission reduction potential of all electric modes (including public transit)

Accelerate electrification of the fleet:

  • Accelerate fleet electrification (cars and buses) to swiftly achieve the Hong Kong’s Climate Action Plan 2050, aiming for zero vehicle emissions before 2050 and no new registration of fuel-propelled personal cars (including hybrids) by 2035

Modal Shifts Required To Achieve 1.5°C (By Scenario)

When simulating realistic modal shifts, achieving 1.5°C would not be possible. When allowing larger shifts, achieving 1.5°C would require extreme changes: a reduction in total mobility demand of 38% or approximately 15.2 kilometers (9.4 miles) per person per day compared to 2022.

Reduce personal car use:

  • Expand low-emission zones (beyond buses) or implement car-free areas
  • Implement the 15-minute city concept

Decarbonize the power grid:

  • Lower the electricity production footprint to unleash the emission reduction potential of all electric modes (including public transit)

Promote active mobility:

  • Prioritize cycling lanes in urban development projects and improve safety by making helmets mandatory
  • Make the city more walkable by upgrading the infrastructure (low speed zones, pedestrian planning framework, broader sidewalks, etc.)

Modal Shifts Required To Achieve 1.5°C (By Scenario)

When simulating realistic modal shifts, achieving 1.5°C would not be possible. When allowing larger shifts, achieving 1.5°C would require extreme changes: a reduction in total mobility demand of 20% or approximately 8.5 kilometers (5.3 miles) per person per day compared to 2030 projections.

Reduce personal car use:

  • Expand low-emission zones (beyond buses) or implement car-free areas
  • Implement the 15-minute city concept

Decarbonize the power grid:

  • Lower the electricity production footprint to unleash the emission reduction potential of all electric modes (including public transit)

Promote active mobility:

  • Prioritize cycling lanes in urban development projects and improve safety by making helmets mandatory
  • Make the city more walkable by upgrading the infrastructure (low speed zones, pedestrian planning framework, broader sidewalks, etc.)