• May 23rd-24th, 2023
  • Mobility
  • Station F, Paris, France
  • In-person forum

Global Mobility Executive Forum: Smart Coalitions For Sustainability

event Takeaways

What happens when you gather 600 mobility leaders from 36 countries to discuss solutions for developing sustainable urban transportation? They agree on one indispensable ingredient: collaboration. There can be no sustainable and resilient mobility business models unless the public and private sectors build them together, participants at the Oliver Wyman Forum’s Global Mobility Executive Forum agreed. 

In panel discussions and workshop sessions, conference participants aligned on three major elements for building next-gen mobility.  Read the takeaways here.


Just as cities around the world move on from COVID’s disruption, they’re getting slammed with new challenges, from an uncertain economy to climate change. Modern, sustainable mobility has emerged as a key engine for economic and environmental resilience for the long term — for both governments and businesses. How efficiently the public and private sectors build those mobility systems is more important than ever.

The Global Mobility Executive Forum — an event under the High Patronage of Emmanuel Macron, president of the French Republic — convened senior leaders from business, academia, and financial, public, and social institutions to build the future of mobility together.

On May 23rd-24th at Station F, Paris, mobility leaders co-created innovative solutions to strengthen businesses, industries, and economies with winning mobility ecosystems.


Read the event takeaways.

Event agenda

This year's Global Mobility Executive Forum included the below panels, headlined by senior business and government leaders across mobility — from automotive and air travel to rail and energy industries.


  • What sustainable mobility means for smart cities
  • How will sustainability reinvent mobility use cases?
  • What are the critical milestones on the path to sustainability?
  • Disruptive infrastructures for sustainable mobility
  • Digital platforms and data-driven business models
  • How can we create future mobility coalitions?


Speaker highlights

Tilly Chang, executive director of the San Francisco County Transportation Authority, spoke at our December 2022 event that unveiled the latest edition of our Urban Mobility Readiness Index, an annual ranking of 60 major cities on the strength of their transportation networks. A discussion of the index results centered around the different dimensions that define a strong mobility network, as well as reflections on San Francisco claiming the top ranking.


Tilly Chang will be speaking at this year's Global Mobility Executive Forum. Hear her perspective on San Francisco's success: 


The Urban Mobility Readiness Index

The Oliver Wyman Forum, in partnership with the University of California, Berkeley, present the Urban Mobility Readiness Index, a ranking of 60 major cities worldwide on their preparedness for mobility’s next chapter. 


The cities that tackle future mobility challenges will be the most sustainable and attractive for people and businesses. This year’s edition places an emphasis on sustainability and public transit as the backbone of a resilient economy.


The leading cities in our index were either well prepared for or seized the disruption COVID brought to make concrete improvements to their mobility ecosystems.


Explore the findings.

How Urban Mobility Will Change by 2030

A wave of shared and digital services is transforming mobility with options that go beyond traditional public transport and privately owned cars. Applications have accelerated the deployment of new modes and services, reshaping urban and suburban travel. These new services are expected to grow over the next decade about twice as fast as traditional mobility, with potential benefits for climate, pollution, and the livability of cities.


To gauge the impact, the Oliver Wyman Forum and the Institute of Transportation Studies at the University of California, Berkeley analyzed 13 services in three regions: North America, Europe, and Asia.


The study projected an average growth of almost 10% a year over the current decade through 2030, compared with 5% for the overall mobility sector. The new services are expected to generate annual revenue of $660 billion in 2030, up from $260 billion in 2020.


Read the report to learn how urban mobility is rapidly evolving.